Wednesday, January 6, 2010

No More Smileys :(

January 5, 2009

Dawson 5 months old

Well it is baby is changing into a big boy :(. Dawson and I were at Costco and had finished paying. As we walked to the exit, I asked him if he wanted the Costco employee to draw a smiley on his hand. He always gets one, and if for some reason we slip out the door with out one, all Hell breaks loose. (That is not an exaggeration). Anyway, my baby looks me in the eyes and says, "mom, I am a big boy now, not a baby. I don't need those any more".

As a mom who is already struggling with the fact that her last child is growing up so quickly, I was totally caught off guard! I actually stopped in my tracks, hoping to convince him that he wanted a smiley. All of my debating with him did no good. He was very adamant, he was to big for a smiley :(.

Needless to say I am one depressed mama :(. I guess he is truly a big boy, and there are no more Costco hand smileys in our future :(.

Here are a few pictures of my baby, now that he is a big boy

1 comment:

The Kohler Family said...

So sorry Melissa! It is very depressing how fast kids grow up and it seems that our last ones grow even faster!! BOO!!