Monday, November 8, 2010

Grandma's Awesome Halloween Party!!

October 30, 2010 Matt's Family, Becky's Family, Marlene's Family, Grandma & Us

Grandma had such a great Halloween Party! It was just lots of good, good food and family. Parties don't get better than that. We have the BEST Grandma EVER!! She made Chili, Potato Soup, Donuts, Crackers and Cheese, and Apple Juice. All of the food was homemade and did I mention DELICIOUS! Oh and did I mention she is the BEST Grandma EVER... Thanks Grandma!
Wow... that is all I can say about these donuts!
I guess I shouldn't mention that I ate about 6 of them :/
Matt's family had a foreign exchange student with them. His name was to hard to say, so Weston nicknamed him Taco. Right before we took this picture, Becky yelled wait! She wanted to stand by Taco for the picture!! Becky is so funny, she always is making me laugh :)
Our cute kids!!
Marlene's kids:
Devani, Taylor, Samantha, and Kennedy
Taylor had the best costume out of anyone... he was James :). James just left on his mission a few days before Halloween, so Taylor wore all of James funny clothes that James loved so much! He also struck a pose that James would have... on the ground in the front. Ahh... we miss James sooo much.
Matt, or should I say Dad...
he looked so much like Dad it was crazy!
Elora and Taylor... even Malibu dressed up in a tuxedo :)
Erica and Nick!
Matt's Family:
Matt, Liz, Sarah, Emily, Erica, Nick and Taco
This picture is with Grandma...
This picture is with me!
Becky's Family:
Elora, Malibu, Becky, Corey, Franklin and James... I mean Taylor!
Dax and Weston
Corey with Malibu and Franklin.

Everyone was dressed so awesome. Thanks for a very fun Halloween party Mom!! It was the best one yet :)

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