Friday, December 25, 2009

More Holiday Fun

We have had so many fun things going on with it being the holidays! So here is a little bit of the things we have been up to.

December 17, 2009

Jada had her first choir concert of the year. They did such a great job, and sang lots of fun songs. Their last three songs were Christmas songs. She really enjoys music, and is very excited to be starting piano lessons the first part of January. I might be biased, but I have to say she looked pretty darn cute that night!!

She was surrounded by friends at her concert. It made it very convenient for pictures.
Back row: Bailey, Jada & Ally
Front row: Allyson & Annie

Jada especially loved the kazoos they got to use in one of the songs.
I love that they got to keep the kazoos, and bring them home :/.

You did a great job Jada!! We are so proud of you, and the accomplishments that you achieve. You did a great job!

December 21, 2009

Finally, just in the nick of time. I made, finished and delivered our neighbor treats all in the same day. Wow... that was cutting it close. It is such a relief to have that part of the holidays finished. I love doing it, but it is an all day process. I started around 10 am, and they were delivered between 7:45 and 9:15 pm. We would not have been so late this year, but we kept going back to the houses that we did not catch people at home. I wanted them all delivered that night. I know I am a freak :)

The finished product!!

December 22, 2009

I got the opportunity to help at Brayden's school Christmas party. They made gingerbread houses! It was a bit crazy, but the kids had so much fun. I took Dawson and Bryce with me, so they got to make a house of their own. They loved every minute of it.

Brayden hard at work!

It was so funny to see the difference between boys and girls gingerbread houses. The girls were so careful, and the boys just dumped lots of frosting and candy every where. Brayden's did look awesome piled so high.

Dawson and Bryce with their masterpieces!!
They were both so well behaved. I love these boys!!

Braydens finished work!

Dawson's accomplishment!

These houses were awesome. The lady that assembled them was very wise, and put them together with a hot glue gun. Very smart, especially when you have to build 31 of them! We had a great time with Brayden at his party! Brayden and Jada love when I help at their parties, because they usually get checked out early :) So yes, they got to leave school a little over an hour early.

Next, I just had to post a picture of Jada's cute Christmas artwork that she brought home. I love the kids works of art. She did a great job!!

This beautiful artwork is decorating our wall at home!!
Thanks Jada

December 24, 2009

Well, Christmas Eve is here. I am so excited, but sad at the same time. I really love Christmas, and I can not believe it is almost over. The first part of the day was a bit crazy. We actually went and did some shopping. I must admit the stores were not as bad as I thought they would be. I still did not want to be out shopping today. It was mostly shopping for groceries, but we did stop at a couple of other shops. One of which was Bert Murdock Music. This is one of Daxton's most favorite stores. I need to grab a couple of items for him, but we also let him take some time to try out a few guitars. This is one of his favorite past times!

Daxton trying out an Epiphone SG!
He really liked this guitar, and is going to start saving his money for a new one.

We finished shopping, and went home to cook all of our fun treats to have around. I like to make all of the same treats for my family to enjoy that I put in our neighbor gifts. The kids (I have to be honest, Dave and I also) enjoy having these around! Next we opened Christmas Eve gifts (the pajamas).

Getting ready to open their pajamas!

They are looking awesome in their new pajamas!

I love Christmas! This is just about the only time that I can have my kids in the same room together, and they don't kill each other. They are too excited for Christmas to fight. Jada always sleeps on the floor in the boys room on Christmas Eve. They stay up and talk about what they will get.

Dawson loves his bed so much, and he looked so cute I could not pass up
this picture!

Well, then the kids went to bed around 8:45 pm, so that Dave and I could finish wrapping presents. I mean literally wrapping Christmas presents :). We are usually up until till 4 0r 5 am finishing the wrapping, but this year I really tried hard not to do that. Yes I succeeded :) We got to bed at 3:30 am :(. Hey I gave us an extra hour of sleep this year!!

1 comment:

jess said...

Glad to know that you were really JUST WRAPPING PRESENTS!!