August 22, 2011
Another school year has arrived :(. Yes, that is right, I am not excited for school to begin again. Were did this summer go? My kids are getting so old, and time is going way to fast.

Brayden trying to decide what to wear the first day!

Daxton deep in thought of which would be the coolest clothes for the big first day!

Daxton 10th grade, 15 years old!
What the? I was just a sophomore, how in the heck am I now a parent to one :(. Sorry, I keep going on about time flying, but it really is freaking me out!!

Out the door at 7:05... ouch!

Nice choice of clothes for your first day Dax,
you look awesome!

Bye my big buddy....
remember who you are and what you stand for :)

Jada 7th grade, 13 years old!
Jada started school a day earlier than all the other kids. The 7th graders get a day by themselves at the school to get the whole routine figured out. Then on the first day for everyone else they get the day off!

Off to her first day of Jr. High...
she is so dang cute!!

Out the door at 7:40, I am so scared for her :/. So I woke up and realized that I had not paid her fees yet, oops. She left to go to the bus, so I followed her in the car and documented the big day. She was quite embarrassed :)

I was starting to feel a little bad for embarrassing her, until I saw another mom waiting at the bus stop with her daughter. So I thought since I was already there I would get a picture of her with her friends :). I know I am that crazy mom!

Savanna, Jada, Clarissa, Cassidy and Cessily

Jada and Savanna
Well, the embarrassment didn't end at the bus stop. I was still at the school paying fees when they arrived. So I figured why not get some pictures of Jada and her locker partner :) Am I really so bad for wanting to document this moment?

Jada on her second day of school,
wow, she is so dang cute!!

Brayden 6th grade, 11 years old!
Please don't notice his hair, our neighbor did not get around to giving him a hair cut:(. I can not believe I let him start looking like that! He looks so good in his new clothes, just pretend he has a nice short cut!

Out the door at 8:50, oh how I love being on the late start track :) There was a new elementary built in our neighborhood, and we had to switch to it :(. We loved our elementary, but I guess we just have to adjust. Brayden is okay with it, because his best friend Jacob is in his class!!

Brayden's teacher Mrs. Jones!
She looks like she is young enough to be one of the kids at the school!
She is really cute!

On the kids first day of school, I started a new job. Yep, I am a crossing guard!! I actually am loving it. The kids I cross are so cute, and polite. Also, I am just doing it in the morning so I work out and just go in my work out clothes. Then I shower after I get home, which will be nice once the weather gets bad. That is why I look so cute in this picture :).
Well, so far we are off to a pretty good start. Let's hope things keep going so smoothly. I hope this is a wonderful year for all my kids! Love ya guys!!