December 4, 2010
Aunt Becky invited everyone to go to a live Nativity and then have dinner at her house. It was awesome. This is the second year we have gone with her and it is the most amazing experience.
(Corey, Brayden, Dave, Becky and Taylor)We rode in the back of a horse trailer up to the Nativity.
(Kennedy, Taylor, Elora and Jada)
(Dawson, Me, Taylor Byington brother and fam, and Grandma Hamilton)
The Roman Soldiers were in full uniform, and they rode around asking us as we walked up to Bethlehem if we had seen any baby's. They were searching for the baby. Last year Dawson looked up at them and said I am a baby... are you looking for me? :)

Entering Bethlehem...

They even had 4 real camel's, Dawson was so excited....

Well he was,
until Dave got him a little too close for comfort...
he freaked out!

The camel got a little too close for Becky's liking also :)

The little spots all over in the pictures is hay floating in the air...

There was a whole town of Bethlehem set up with people in full dress

People making yarn...

Dave kissing you know what....

Giving away unleavened bread...

Playing games from that time period...

Finally you walk to a separate barn, and there you see the Nativity.... It is so peaceful, and you feel like you are truly witnessing the actually birth of Christ. I have cried both years.

They even serve hot chocolate at the end :)

I thought I would try to get a better picture of one of the roman soldiers, so Becky hurried and got in the picture... She loves to get her picture taken :)

back row: Cory, Taylor B., Elora,
Daxton, Erica, Nick, Sarah and Dave
middle row: Becky, Kennedy, Jada, Brayden, Emily, Liz, Me
front row: Devani, Dawson, Taylor S., and Grandma Hamilton

Onto dinner at Becky and
Coreys. We had soup bowls and dessert. It was
sooo good. It was perfect after being out in the cold for so long.

What better toys for a 6 month old... a soda bottle and a straws!

(Elora and her baby Malibu)
(Dave and Tinka)
We had such an awesome night! Thanks so much for planning this for us Becky :)